Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Change Anyone?

I used to believe I was good at adapting to change. HA! Lately I have noticed in myself a resistance to change and change in the world around me. Is is age? Does this happen to everyone?

At 51,  CHANGE is menopause. Geesh. While it is great not to have to worry if you have run out of those "feminine hygiene" products, cramps  or wearing white pants (yes, all us ladies have that fear) I do not appreciate the mood swings, hair growing in places it shouldn't or turning grey and having to wear a patch and take a pill everyday. Thankfully the patch and pill have eliminated my sour disposition, bigger thanks to the DR for rescuing me from Mood Town!

I also don't care for the whole "Spring Forward" /"Fall Back" time change.By the time my internal clock is catches up we'll be changing the clocks again.  I say lets pick a time standard and stick to it.

 But that  really wasn't the change I was thinking of.. It's the everyday in life things you run into, friends/family moving, loved ones dying, children growing up , parents getting older. The more I thought about this I realized I LIKED change when it benefited me, or was fun. I was resistant to change when it hurt me or made me sad.

But wait : If I truly believe GOD is in control, then what am I resistant for? Many, many times I have tried to manipulate the situation, actually get in the way when I don't like the way it is going. But when I LIKE the way it is going I just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Shame on me. I should be looking for the blessing in all of these changes. I guess the old saying is true, "You can't see the forest for the trees " Not that ALL change is for the better, but things do happen for a reason and  GOD is in control and when I am resistant to change and try to take on HIS role, well I am miserable.

My nephew is moving to Oregon, this is a BIG change in our family. I have been caught up in the moment and not taking the time to look at the big picture. GOD's picture. I am smiling now because HE is in Control.
I will miss him terribly but I know God has big plans for him , he will be safe and with people who love him.

I am now saving my CHANGE in a jar, for my future trip to Oregon :)

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