Monday, February 20, 2012

The Jurist

I have been in awe of those of you who are brave enough to have a blog. It is a huge leap to put your thoughts and musing out there for the world to see. You have made me laugh, you have made me cry, and you have given me the opportunity to see another side of you.  Even though I am known never to be at a loss for words, I was not brave enough to join the world of blogging. Until now.

Today is full of a lot of firsts for me. First time blogging and first time called for JURY DUTY.
Yes, today I had the honor of being called to serve. No, I did not try to get out of it. I am just that amount of dorky to be excited to serve.  Apparently I am in the minority.
·         I figured out early on this morning that some people believe that the wackier the dress they will be excused. Wow. From sparkle spandex pants and 5 inch high heels to tie dyed t- shirt and shorts, obviously the description of “business attire” escaped some. Or did it?
·         Paying attention and not talking while you are receiving instructions. Gee, most children learn this in pre-school, and know better by kindergarten. Not these grown adults.
·         Being Late: Maybe it’s just me, but if the summons says 8am, I am there BEFORE 8 am. The word SUMMONS has meaning! When one person entered after 9:00 am the excuse was “I don’t do mornings well, 9 ish is what you get from me”
·         Cell phones.  Not once, twice, or even three times did a cell phone go off, but constantly.
If the Judges looks could shoot darts, then a lot of people there would have been riddled with holes.
·         Now we move into what I will now refer to as the PENTALTY phase of jury selection.
In reality it is the EXCUSES people will offer to the court on why they fail to meet any of the accepted reasons to be excused.  I decided they should have a “penalty box” for lame excuses. My favorite of the morning when this man said “ I have a job”, the Judge then asked all of us who had jobs to raise our hands, surprisingly in this economy, it was 2/3 of the room. Yep, he got to sit right back down.  My second favorite was when the judge asked if anyone there did not speak English, three people stood up and said “Yes, I don’t”,  they got to sit right back down too!
·         Free coffee: I appreciate a good cup of coffee, and I am very grateful that the Clerk of Court in Seminole County provides coffee. There were actually people sitting near me who were complaining “at least they could do for being inconvenienced is have a Starbucks or something better...”
Inconvenience?  And I quote, “Jury service is one of the most important civic duties you can perform. The protection of rights and liberties in federal courts largely is achieved through the teamwork of judge and jury.  “US     AMEN!
·         The highlight of my morning was sitting next to two wonderful women.  To my right was a young lady that was the ripe ol’ age of 20. She was Just as excited (dorky) as I was about the whole experience. She told me all about herself and being homeschooled, her job and family. She was a slice of American Pie, and just as sweet as could be. On my left was a “mature” woman of 69. She had been called many times to serve on a jury, but was equally as dorky about the experience as I was.  And she was prepared. She had snacks. I did not know you could bring in “outside” food! She was armed with Sudoku puzzle books and gum. She asked me how old I was and when I told her she did not believe me (always nice to hear) I told her my Mom was 73 and she insisted on seeing a photo of my Mom. I obliged and she told me I was lucky, my looks should hold out!
·         I brought a book to read but never cracked the first page. I was wide eyed in wonder, watching all the people in the room, listening to all the conversations, absorbing every word the Judge and Jury Clerk spoke waiting for my number to be called.
It was getting close to lunch time when my number did get called, only it was to be excused. They had found all the jurors they needed.
·         I am proud to be an American, I am thankful everyday for our rights and freedoms, for those who gave their lives defending those rights and freedoms, I am grateful the opportunity to serve in some small way.  And while not perfect this is the BEST country to live in.  

Until next Monday..


  1. Love it!! I also don't mind jury duty- it's always very interesting.

  2. Monday's are going to be much more enjoyable. :)
